How to Build Balanced Meals for Muscle Growth

Step One: Choose Your Protein

Your muscles need protein to stay strong and grow. Meals based around lean meats such as chicken, turkey, and fish are an excellent place to start. Vegetarian or vegan? No problem! Tofu, lentils, and chickpeas are fantastic protein-packed alternatives.

Step Two: Don’t Forget Your Carbs

Contrary to what some diets might suggest, your body needs carbohydrates to function. Specifically, your muscles need them to upload protein and to restore energy lost during workouts. Opt for quality carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice, and whole grains.

Step Three: Add Some Healthy Fats

Fats aren’t evil, it’s more about the type of fats. Healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and olive oil provide sustained energy and keep your body systems running smoothly.

Step Four: Veggies are Essential

Veggies should be part and parcel of every meal. They’re full of necessary vitamins, minerals, and fiber, plus they can bulk up your portions without many calories.

Step Five: Balance is Key

Rather than rigidly counting calories or grams of macronutrients, your aim should be a balanced plate. A general rule of thumb is to aim for a plate that’s one-half veggies, one-fourth protein, and one-fourth carbs, with some healthy fats on the side.

Wondering How to Put This All Together?

You are not alone. Starting a new dietary strategy can feel like a daunting task. However, it doesn’t have to be. That’s why we’re here!
Take the first step on your journey to better health and fitness and contact Unbeaten Fitness today. We offer a no-sweat intro—a free consultation with one of our qualified trainers. There’s no commitment, just a friendly chat to see how we can help you reach your fitness goals.

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